Solidarity with Junior Doctors and NHS Students


Among the many meetings held to meet with and express solidarity with the junior doctors in their struggle and defend the student nurse bursaries was one on Saturday, January 23, called by Waltham Forest Save Our NHS.

The organisers pointed out that despite the junior doctors re-entering talks in good faith, the government has failed to provide them with reassurances on key areas around contractual safeguards and anti-social hours. The stand of the junior doctors is to prevent a contract being imposed which would be unfair for the doctors and unsafe for patients. This stand is one of fighting to safeguard the future of the NHS.

The removal of safeguards on hours would risk exposing patients to doctors working dangerously long hours. It is the case that the junior doctors must win their battle also to prevent the government then imposing contracts on nurses and other NHS staff.

The government has also widened its assault on the NHS by threatening to cut student nurse bursaries. The conclusion which is being drawn is that all the attacks on pay and conditions are a component part of paving the way for further privatisation of the NHS.

Support the junior doctors, healthcare students and all NHS staff!
Safeguard the future of the NHS!

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