Isle of Wight Dairy Farmers Join Protest:

Isle of Wight dairy farmers clear supermarket shelves of milk.

Isle of Wight dairy farmers have joined the national protests calling on supermarkets to pay a fair price for milk. They urge supermarket managers to price it correctly and not use it as a loss leader.

the farmers

Isle of Wight dairy farmers this afternoon cleared the dairy shelves in Aldi in Cowes of milk.

There are many small farmers facing bankruptcy, hence the struggle. The market system has never solved the problem of glut. If these small farmers are bankrupted we lose them probably forever.We can’t afford as a nation to allow it to happen. On the Isle of Wight dairy is an extremely important part of our economy. Conservative MP, Turner has to make proposals immediately as it is his Government in power that has the responsibility.

We cannot afford to lose the herds, the skills and the dairies because of “productivity”. Nationally the State has to control the production levels and distribution with the appropriate subsidy to maintain herds and facility as part of its growth programme, whatever that is. Supermarket monopolies have to be brought into line. It needs to be planned because at the moment anarchy prevails.

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